At nine years old, Vivacious moved from Jamaica, West Indies, to New York City. Years later, Vivacious has made quite a name for herself in the NYC straight club scene. While most queens perform in gay clubs, Vivacious is well-known in the straight club circuit. By performing in straight clubs, this eye-catching queen continues to branch the division between straight and gay clubs. She brings drag to the culture of straight clubs, which is something that not many other queens have been brave enough to do.
With Vivacious’ extensive background in drag, she has a stronger understanding of the roots of drag compared to many other queens on Season 6. Because of her experience in the drag scene, she considers herself “an ambassador of drag”, and we hope to see her schooling the newcomer Season 6 queens with her club kid aesthetic!
Check out a few of Vi's best performances:

“Go out into the world and spread the message of GRIT. And when they ask you? You tell em Get It, Rearrange It, Internalize It, Turn IT. That’s how we take on the runway, the dance floor and any other spring chicken that tries it with us”
“I don’t like to just perform on the stage. I also like to go directly into the crowd to interact with my fans. It is from there I draw on their energy to do the job…”
“I like to be seen… I am the QUEEN of NEON. You will ALWAYS see me.”
“I’m one of the few queens that work in straight clubs. I use performance to be the ambassador of bridging straights and gays.”
“I have a fantastic spaceship to launch and I want you all there with me #teamvivacious like a Phoenix Rising”