The Genderbent Project is a fresh, innovative production, which couples the immense talents of collaborators Dusti Cunningham (renowned photographer) and Jacob Rostovsky (dedicated and passionate transgender activist) to create a comprehensive body of work like no other. The purpose behind the Genderbent Project is to highlight, celebrate, and elevate the gender nonconforming and transgender community, which it communicates through stunning photography and spellbinding individual interviews. Best stated on the project's fundraising Indiegogo page, "In photographic form, the series focuses on those who bend the traditional gender roles."
What inspired this project to come to life? In Jacob Rostovsky's interview with the Huffington Post, he stated:
"Right now there is so much tension between the transgender community and gender nonconforming communities, as well as members of the LGB ones. We (Dusti Cunningham and Jacob Rostovsky) wanted to embark on this project to show that while our experiences may differ, we all share commonalities and should support one another regardless of the terms we use. We also noticed how much freedom there is when one is allowed to express themselves to the fullest, and how much joy comes with living true to your authentic self. We felt it was important to share this with the mainstream heteronormative societies, instead of only leaving them with images of our despair."