Yesterday, a petition entitled "Victoria's Secret: Make Carmen Carrera the first Trans VS model" became a hot topic of conversation for many within the LGBT and drag communities. Hosted on the website, the petition is set up so that people who would like to may log on and sign electronically. The petition references her stunning performance on the runway of the Marco Marco fashion show as just one example of her modeling talents.
Carmen shared the petition on her Facebook page saying "I just want to say THANK YOU soooooo much to the fans who started this petition! I love you guys! Lets share it and make it MAJOR!!! <3".
It would seem that the petition really has become major! The original goal was 10,000 signatures. Since Carmen's post yesterday it has not only reached that goal, but exceeded it! A new goal has been set at 15,000 signatures. The petitions on are designed to show organizations what the public wants, and by signing it Carmen's supporters are able to tell Victoria's Secret that they want to see her on their runway. While the petition does not hold any legal weight, it is the hopes of those who wrote and signed the petition that the overwhelming public support for Carmen will help convince the company's executives to take her on as one of their angels.
In another status update today, Carmen pointed out that the purpose of the petition is "not to force VS to do anything. It's to prove that the world is ready for change and possibilities are endless!" In less than 24 hours the petition has received thousands upon thousands of signatures, indicating that we as a society have surpassed the strict cisgender binary ideologies of past generations. The petition has become more than just a statement about the progress we've made; it is a loud scream!
Fans and patrons who wish to support this cause may still sign the petition, even though the original goal of 10,000 signatures has been reached. If you would like to sign the petition and show Carmen your support click here! The first goal was surpassed in the past day, let's see if we can double it in the next one!