Test your RuPaul's Drag Race knowledge! In anticipation for the upcoming new Cooking Channel series Drag My Dinner Party, World of Wonder premiered the World of Wonder Game Show: RuPaul's Drag Race Edition. The game show stars the cast of the new series: Jujubee, Raven, & Manila Luzon, and is hosted by RuPaul himself. See how much you can remember from past seasons of Drag Race...
Drag My Dinner Party is WOW’s new makeover show in which RuPaul's Drag Race legends JuJubee, Raven and Manila Luzon are brought in to help transform dull dinner parties into faaaaaabulous occasions. Watch the pilot: 10/25 @ 11pm, 10/27 @ 7pm, 10/30 @ 10pm, & 11/2 @ 7:30pm.