We got a chance to chat with Trinity about what she's been up to since RuPaul's Drag Race ended...

Trinity K. Bonet: Hey!
D.O.: How are you and how have things been going since the conclusion of this season of RuPaul's Drag Race?
T.K.B.: I'm okay, I'm a little stressed right now- one of my friends passed away last week. But other than that, I'm alright.
D.O.: We’re so sorry for your loss. But you were recently in Australia.. how was that experience?
T.K.B.: It was amazing! I went to Cairns, and Adelaide, Melbourne, and Sydney. All of the cities were amazing and welcoming to us. I was so far away from home, and I really liked that.

T.K.B.: I'll be in Canada soon and London, hopefully, by the end of the year.
D.O.: I’m sure your fans there look forward to that! So, you have a new project coming up, Boi Queens. Can you tell us a little about what you've been working on?
T.K.B.: Boi Queenz was actually a mistake that became a great idea. It basically represents that in each boy, there's a queen inside of him. The first element of drag is putting on the makeup, and the way that you apply your makeup. I thought it'd be a great idea to do an ad where you represent your everyday life and what you wear, and your inner beauty is exposed through the makeup which you put on your face. That's how it came about, and it is representing the inner and outer beauty of a man. It's basically "what I am, but this is who I choose to be".

T.K.B.: Yeah! We never didn't have a friendship, it's television, honey! [laughs] They have to make up a good show. But of course I love her, I wished her a happy birthday, and everything is good! And when she came to Atlanta, we got to hang out!
D.O.: That’s great to hear. What has the reaction to you being on the show been like from your local fans in Atlanta? Has there been any change to the way they treat you?
T.K.B.: It's been the same in some aspects, but I'm respected a little bit more. They know who I am. It's not like rolling out the red carpet or anything, which is fine. No one wants to be treated differently, you know?
D.O.: Yes, of course. So, toward the end of season 6, fans really got to see your confidence grow. You stopped using your flipper as much and seemed to let loose a little bit with elements like that. Has that continued on in your drag after the show? Are you still the pageant queen that we came to know and love during the season?

D.O.: On a recent Drag Official fan poll, you were voted the fiercest lipsyncer in all of RuPaul's Drag Race Herstory. How do you feel about that honor?
T.K.B.: I perform- that's what I do! I'm grateful that people see me for my talents, and all of the stuff that I have accomplished. I've always been an entertainer and a performer. If I could never, ever do anything else, I'd want to be able to put on a great show. It's kind of normal for me, but I'm also grateful that people see me for my talents and my hard work.

T.K.B.: Yeah! I'm working on music that will hopefully be out by Christmas. I wanted to wait for everything else to die down. I'm working on one little single and two albums. I'm also doing my Boi Queenz project and I'm hopefully doing a non-profit organization called 'Surviving Queens'. I'm also writing a little comedy play called 'Drag Race Musical'! [laughs] So lots of stuff, but at the moment, just performing and traveling, and doing as much as possible.
D.O.: Excellent! Anything else you’d like to tell your fans?
T.K.B.: I just want to thank all of my Transformers (that's what I call my fans!). Thank you for supporting me. Just keep transforming and being different!
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