This week, World of Wonder kicked off two new dragged-up web series on Youtube: Jodie Harsh's #DragQueenProblems & Adore Delano's Let the Music Play...
If you’re already going into Adore Delano withdrawal, Adore Delano's Let The Music Play may help soothe your cravings. Each week, Adore breaks down her new album, Till Death Do Us Party, track-by-track. In the opening episode, Adore discusses the album’s first single “D.T.F.” (available on iTunes!). Find out the song’s inspiration – hint: Grindr –and the T on the video’s sexy love interest and incredible cast of cholas.
Ever wondered how to create an unclockable contour? Want the secret to getting free drinks at the club? Need tips on tucking? Who better to ask than UK drag DJ and club promoter Jodie Harsh! In her new series #DragQueenProblems, Jodie Harsh answers questions from fans and fellow drag queens in need of a little help. This week Jodie covers sex in drag, how high is too high—for eyebrows, that is—and crabs, with special guests Cake Moss and Drag Queens of London star Baga Chipz.
Catch new episodes of Let the Music Play on Tuesdays & #DragQueenProblems on Saturdays at WoWPresents!