5. Be Respectful – No matter how good you think you are, always show respect to those queens that have come before you. If it wasn’t for them, you might not be able to do what you hopefully love to do. Also, remember to be respectful to those that have come to see you perform.
6. Continue To Learn – never think you have nothing to left to learn. In any art form there is always some new style or technique one can learn to challenge themselves and improve their art. Drag is always changing and you shouldn’t be afraid of that change.
7. Know Your Lyrics – When you perform, you should know your lyrics. In my opinion, there is nothing worse than seeing a drag queen who does not know their lyrics. Knowing your lyrics is a requirement of that job. If you didn’t do your day job, you would be fired. Why should drag be any different?
8. Be On Time – This is a big one. If you are asked to be someplace at a certain time, be there at that time. If you advertise that your show is going to start at a specific time, start at the advertised time. Waiting for a drag show is not fun. This ties back into being respectful.
10. Drag Is Addictive – No I don’t perform, but I am involved in planning costumes and routines. Drag is addictive! As much as you think it won’t be, it will get into your blood. You will begin to think about it more times than not, and want to know what queens are performing and where. It can slowly take over your life if you allow it.